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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 5, 2021 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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studio audience, shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you, america. ♪ ♪ [applause] ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everyone, i'm jesse. 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ crime surging across the country. but there goes the plan to solve the problem. stop building jails. >> these blaming bill a form is not evidence-based. there's no fax data to back it up. it is not acceptable for us to
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use jails as garbage disposals, garbage bins for human beings. if we want to reduce violent crime, if we want to reduce the number of people in our jails, the answer is to stop building more of them. the answer is to make sure that we actually build more hospitals. we pay organizers. we get people mental health care and overall healthcare, employment, et cetera. it is a support community. do not throw them away. >> jesse: while aoc it says we need fewer jails, maybe she should look at the expert homicides and shootings are surging in cities. important, mergers are up 800% from last year. we have been showing you the rise in random act of violence. look what happened in san francisco. police are searching for 18, lit a women's hair on fire. it is being advocated as a possible hate crime. anarchy is back in the streets of minnesota. protesters setting a duster on fire and smashing windows after law enforcement neatly shot
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murder suspected, pulled a gun during an attempted arrest. kennedy, it really troubles me when i hear aoc say things like this. you can't say there's no facts that the back up that bail reform is not causing a rise in crime without actually providing some -- >> it is interesting because that is one of the few areas where you can see a direct correlation. what they could not relate pandemic was when violent crime is dropping for decades. and you had mayors and chief of police who were like that this is great news and we are not exactly sure why. we can't cut to one thing. and i have to say, i do agree with her in terms of, you know, not taking nonviolent drug offenders and throwing them in cages. we do over incarcerated people in this country. but if you just shut down all the jails, i don't know that that is the incentive for people to stop pushing each other in front of moving subways or assaulting older asian american
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women or attacking cops like the female cop who was attacked by a large homeless man. that is a little bit naïve. it does not have anything to the back it up. there is some truth to what she is saying. she just has to be a little bit more nuanced. >> jesse: you can do both but you can have hospital funding. richard, you are a very, very rational person. are you not a rational person? >> jesse: okay. what do do with criminals? you put them in prison and you keep them in prison for long periods of time. >> nuance is the keyword. i think in this country, criminals have been associated with everybody, commits every crime under the sun. i think some drug offenders are -- does good mental health problems there and murderers are different. and i think also what this requires is for us that reimagine how we do criminal justice in this country. >> jesse: we imagine it?
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>> i think we should rematching it. >> jesse: i'm going to imagined a reduction in crime this way. lock them up. >> but that does not work -- even donald trump agreed with that, right, jesse? >> jesse: i want people who are deranged and out of the streets punching asian women, i want them locked up for long. of time. >> i do. but i think there's a new wants to. >> whenever having a conversation about how we fix our criminal justice system, which everyone can agree is broken, whether it be the war on drugs or the fact that we have nypd police officers putting handcuffs on six-year-old and seven-year-olds who are in mental distress. that is problematic. it is not police officers' fall. it is the fact that we have broken policies in this country and we need to the fix does. >> jesse: yeah, but i just don't see what homicides rising, pretty much every major metropolitan area, shootings are up. biden, getting rid of jails, that is not a real solution and richard has not offered a real solution. >> well, we have so many things that feed into this including the fact that law enforcement,
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the attrition rate, the inability to hire and retain people to serve the law enforcement. they are not getting paid big bucks. i'm hearing from them, too, that they are worried about responding to that certain calls because they are worried that they are the ones who are going to end up in trouble. when a community since is that, that is only going to that lead to work comp and i think we have to talk about the disrespecting of life. it works in all direction. if we're going to talk about throwing people away because we don't know how to fix them, that is part of it. if there are violent criminal offenders, we need to use our criminal justice system. we need to look at the fact that lighting summoned's hair on fire on a bus. people don't have common respect for each other or value eclectic we see that in so many different parts of our society. >> jesse: and she is a new york resident. you see what is going on. where does -- like honestly all i got to do is get into a car
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and come up sixth avenue and i think what is going on. these are not drug offenders. these are currently deranged people who have been left on the street because they were released from prison under the false guise of covid like we can't have them -- they shut down rikers. these are people that need to be locked up, okay? the fact that she is somehow, think this is -- imagine if you used her logic. we have got a pandemic. we don't need more hospital beds. we need outreach. right? we have more wildfires but we don't need more firemen. we need outreach. we have rising from. we don't need more prisons. we, possibly even defund the police. that would be a good thing to do. now you are seeing the cause and effect. we are living in the cause and effect. to garbage analogy that it is like throwing garbage away. this is what you need to the police that left when they get into positions of response ability. they can't be busted because they morally equate law and
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order to a lack of compassion. if you are the "let's lock them up," that is seen as you are cold and heartless. that is the only compassion that actually matters when you consider going back to the criminal he drains, they are out there because they felt that installation link them was -- we felt that institutionalizing them was a lack of compassion. we wanted to show how progressive we are. they need to be forcibly institutionalized as soon as possible. and these are not pot smokers. this are people who might not be fixable. that left got fantastic running nonprofits. but they are terrible at running governments. they believe that eastern hand is somehow a lack of compassion. was part about this is it pains me to the called democrats races. but okay. a part they believe that blacks are incapable of getting a voter i.d. or any i.d.
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joe biden said that black businessman don't have the -- and they don't have lawyers because that is really hard. but for the -- but in the same voice, they expect black communities to somehow easily tolerate a massive rise in crime in their communities as if they are somehow used to it, right? they are grateful to have less police. and they will take the more crime as a trade off. that is racist. to think that they can handle it. but they can't, a voter i.d. but they can handle crime? pop art that is races. by the way -- >> do you have an idea? how about a lawyer? >> joe biden says -- joe biden says black americans can't find a lawyer. [overlapping speakers] >> we will leave it at that. that is my strategy to give you
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the facts, richard. >> i did not call any of it facts. hate. all right. up next, dr. fauci doing a huge flip-flop after being exposed for dismissing the lab leak theory. so then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual,
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>> -- dr. fauci? >> yes, i'm very confident in dr. fauci. >> i like it. he comes back out and sneaks around. he is density -- standing behind dr. anthony fauci. there's an e-mail that downplayed the wuhan lab leak theory. saying he should release medical records. and we are learning the state department leaders were told to the back off an visitation into where the virus came from went officials were worried the u.s. could look back when looking into funding that you -- the wuhan institute.
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>> they put out documents in january that demonstrated some of the essential facts we knelt note that leading to overwhelming amount of efforts that demonstrated that this probably came from this virology lab. we overcame lots of internal bureaucracy and lots of internal debate from folks who were trying to suppress what we were doing the state department as well. you heard him this morning. the exact same excuses the exact same theories that the chinese communist party has been present for over a year now. >> let's talk about it. and several new departments. the former's victory of state said it was a two-pronged pushback. the nih as well. i asked him about this funding. we give money, we set parameters on it. we can't guarantee it. but it's in place there was a little bit of worry about it. >> they knew what it was for. there's a paper trail a mile along to shannon. they even say on video what they were doing. gain of function.
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fauci's pro gain of function. they take the bat from the cage hundreds of miles away and they toyed with them and juice them up and make them deadly to humans. they can get ahead for a vaccine at in fact fire them. and fauci is scribbling to see if he has his big print on any of it. you e-mails. they are all smoking politicians that lied to us. we don't expect scientists that like to is. that is why they have to make fauci walk the plank. i know he is too big to fail for democrats. clyburn is blocking an infestation into the origins of wuhan. now. this guy got to go. there was a key moment. he knew early on that this came from a lab. all the evidence points to the lab leak theory. he had to decide if i'm going to say, you know what? it is the leper because if he did, he has to reside. or heat lies and blames an animal. for animal. heat rallied scientists around this theory to blame a bat or a
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kangaroo and point to figure away from china. we even saw his name us to the chinese cdc director. he never asked once, hey, where did it come from? that lab looks officially. can you tell us more about that? it's not one time did he ask china. right now, i think the guy is making the democrats look really foolish. they continue to worship fauci. this guy is going to be a real problem into midterms if he hanks run any longer. i bet they throw him a going away party. he has -- highest-paid federal worker ever. huge books coming out. i don't know, a man. this guy has got to go. >> i don't think so, though, unless this is sort of a present trump situation. remember when he asked, do you confidence in so-and-so. president body cam back, it was like several seconds come back. he peeks his head and is like yeah. >> i do know. that is a question for the biden
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administration. i think we do need to the investigative work with origins of this pandemic came from. is there a lab leak and what implications does it have with the rest of the world? i think there's a lot of conversation of china releasing some sort of by whipping on the world. >> dr. fauci said that yesterday. i don't think people are saying that. not that there's no one saying about that. when he says that, makes it one who is asking questions seem like they are wrong. >> and i think there should be a clear visitation. when we find out how that happens, we should do everything in our power to extra never happens again. and the american government can put a lot of money into ensuring that a global pandemic never happened so that we don't have to go through this again. >> dr. fauci is asking china to release medical records. what are the odds that you would put on that ever happening?
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's. >> very, very very low. eliminated from the nba playoff. i think there's a better shot at winning the nba champion ship than having to give over anything. i mean, everything has been destroyed. doctors have been jailed. people have been silenced. everything has been shredded. the bat lady who could be the key to unlocking all of this, her records are still sealed. they are not going to open anything up. china is going to the deflector they are going to blamed the u.s. but they are going to make noise about taiwan and the south china sea and make military threats against the united states. anything to can possibly do to deflect from this and in terms of dr. fauci, he is like the parents of 18 years or who lays awake at night wondering, oh, my goodness, what on earth could my child be up to and at some point got you get the call and your like, i knew it! hypothetically.
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[laughter] and that is exactly what happened here. that is what they were worried about the entire time. that is what their intelligence told them. >> gretchen, the detroit pistons winning the championship. >> greg do you think your date was worth stepping on a squishy that red or dr. fauci's e-mails going public. >> greg: i had to disinfect my shoes. i did step on -- this is a quintessential new york story. stepping into something and going, was that dog or human? i looked down and it is a smeared that rat on the road and it made the most amazing feeling as it squished into my sole. it is going to make watergate look like water broke. i would like to offer an
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independent brilliant observation that i came up with. i think it was intraday or two days ago. i love how the media talked about how christine ogs e-mails work like that lady, nicole was -- so wonderful. they neglected to say that it is government e-mails. there's a separate personal e-mail. it is common for everybody to keep their government e-mails as bland as possible. feel free to put used to talking point. >> that is a brilliant park. >> i'm not as furious as fauci. i'm more disgusted by the media's surprise. once again, they refuse to do their job. they are supposed to be heroes. aren't they supposed to open up the can of worms? they are supposed to dive right under the can, open it up and suck all of the worms down. not a good analogy. they did not do any legwork to dismiss the theory. they preferred to mark those who mentioned the theory as either stupid or racist.
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they replaced their journalism with an anti-trump fervor that caused them to miss perhaps the biggest story of their lives. instead, they chose impeachment theater as the disease exploded because they wanted the optics and because of that, hundreds of thousands of people died. i blamed the democrats on that because that is what they would do to republicans. i blame you, richard! [overlapping speakers] >> to be the, i mean, whether or not it was a lab leak or was a wet meet lab, i don't think -- the death number it would have still been the same. [overlapping speakers] >> listen. they could have buttoned everything up. [overlapping speakers] >> we will discuss this during commercial, which is paper view for you at home. we are going to take it from here. president biden posting about the economy despite another jobs report.
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>> oh, kendi and dolly, reminds me of a really tacky joke that i learned in grade that i'm not going to repeat. president biden is posting about the economy even though it fell short of expectations again. the unemployment rate ticked down. biden is claiming the economic success is not an accident. >> president biden: we have created over 2 million jobs in total since i took office. more jobs than have ever been created in the first four months of any presidency in modern history. triple the rate of my predecessor, eight times the rate of president reagan. the unemployment rate is now
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below 6% for the first time since the pandemic hit. in short, this is progress, historical progress. >> so this is very exciting it is -- exciting it -- exciting-ish news. is it because people have stop in the labor force? >> i think that, you know, a number of states are going back to actually paying and we are not going to do this anymore because employers continue to say, we had millions of underplayed people. none of them want to comeback. when you. hear that people are getting paid to go to an interview in burger king and if you stay, get an iphone? we are having to bribe people typical -- >> i would love to go to it mcdonald's. >> i remember of course, --
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republicans who jump on this. it is not good enough. but larry summers who was the director of the white house -- [overlapping speakers] -- and he was the obama biden and administration guy. for him to be saying -- we got to be careful. we are spreading an unprecedented and barring an unprecedented level. this is going to take a hit potentially on the dollar if we are not careful. >> and the race amongst states to recover fastest. and those who have fully employed workforces where employers can go out and get the people they need like florida, like montana, they are going to better. but michigan's governor gretchen whitmer, who is in a lot of deep yogurt because of coronavirus and other people -- counting the people who died in nursing homes. she is like, you don't have to go back to work work.
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you can get 1200 on me. >> tell me more about these succulent benefits. do they come with sides? >> you got sauces. >> brock obama had the worst recovery since world war ii -- barack obama had the worst recovery since world war ii. 7 million americans are still not working. that is not good. the economists say it is for 3 reasons. surprise it is not the democrats' fall. workers are scared of covid and going back to work. because the democrats scared workers with fake news about covid. democrats and their union buddies shut down that schools. and all of these free bonuses for free cash. again, the democrats' ideas but i can take this problem in this country and i can draw a straight line from that problem to the democrats but that is my job. i love doing it. but it is true. and you guys need to figure that
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out. i wanted to be fair, though. i do want to be. because -- >> sure they do. >> a recovery. this is not a recession. this summer is going to be great. and we are going at the right direction. we have had when. we have inflation, gas prices mangled label problem because of you guys. but all the democrats need to do is get out of the way. they just need to get out of the way and let the economy recovery. stop trying to reengineer the energy sector. it is stop trying to break the bank. get out of the way and let this thing rock and we will be just fine. >> and stop inventing new things like infrastructure covers. richard, go ahead and respond. [overlapping speakers] >> i had to pick up my notepad for this one because i wanted to address the facts. under joe biden, we have number one, food shortages and financial instability. it has followed by 40%. number two, anxiety and depression according to the polls. followed by 20%. on top of that in deliberate
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market that we have seen an increase in bars and restaurants. not to mention the fact that not only are we going to see schools reopened by this week in august but more and more and more americans are getting the vaccinations. >> was that because of the vaccine? >> i will actually -- i'm going to actually be fair. i will give donald trump 100% of the credit for investing early in the vaccine and getting it done. and i will also give credit to joe biden for creating a plan that ensured that that vaccine, in people's arms as fast as possible. getting more vaccines than any other country in the world. and that is what we are winning. >> 2% of the population in japan is vaccinated. >> go to joke. >> come on, japanese. get vaccinated. >> i think the nature of the economy and what has been
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created. you know. biden says -- but that is a lobar when you think about it. you know? it literally can sustain almost anything. we throw at it including president said, go in and out every four years. with people that have different philosophies and different ideologies and some help it really does not matter. the stock market rolls on under trump and it rolls on hunter biden and everybody gets up and they go to work and didn't we are facing the pandemic which is the worst thing. most of us have expenses in our lives. but a lot of people and yet this machine still enables everybody to get up and find a place to find a job. it is pretty incredible because, you know, nothing against joe. but you are not being governed by illiterate with a vision. a part because it is not necessary. all you need is a body with platitude. and that now she says, no jobs, even though he killed the
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pipeline. he is kind of all over the place. this economy is so strong. that it is pretty incredible. i don't know. so strong it could squish a rat. >> yeah. [laughter] >> a live one. just going to name the t-shirt can in. >> we are not going to know what kind of effect that has. >> but we do. decreased by 40%. >> we are not talking about inflation. the dollar is worthless. >> how do you think food security is going to go when you are shopping at the dollar tree? >> your patient is worth 13% less. >> you just make the facts up? >> we make the facts up here. >> we are learning about what is in that government report on ufos. we will tell you if aliens exist. we got one waltzing into the studio, next.
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♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see(ah-ah) ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same (ah-ah) ♪ ♪ you wanna be where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ you wanna go where people know ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na
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♪ na na na na... the world's first six-function multipro tailgate. available on the gmc sierra. >> welcome back. it is time for the fastest. first up. >> my gosh. it is going against the wind. that went is 120 knots to put was. woo hoo! >> we are about to get our hands, took a huge report on ufos. they found no evidence that this is spacecraft. they have not ruled out the possibility kennedy, what do you think? >> they are still going to us. i don't buy that company line at all. there's something really weird
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going on. china wishes they had this kind of technology. there's a theory that the united states did not track down -- reversed engineered what they could and have some hybrid experiment that they keep interacts with noah, and ability. -- under wraps with no accountability. >> mars, venus. >> we have not found one yet. that is the point. the little green guy. that is when we are playing with fire, right? so how do you meet the guy? do you poke him? do you shake his hand? if you shake his hand that could be insensitive and another galaxy. >> you -- >> then you have the whole alien world the setting upon you. >> we already eat earthlings. we eat cows. we eat lamb. if we are going to eat earthlings, we should eat the aliens. are you an alien?
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>> possibly. we could be. i could be a simulation sent down from another planet. >> i'm going to probe you. >> that is a good point. what if the aliens are living here on earth already? >> first of all, i love how they they also tonight it's any secret government observation. they are not going to tell us. right, kennedy? also, i think that they have come to visit because -- they might be living among us. what i think -- they took one look and they were like, we are out. you guys everything straighten out "we will come back. >> a ufo does not mean anything. birds are ufos if you don't know that they are birds. those are probably just birds. this story reminds me of the sideshow. we used to go to the carnival and you got the bearded lady. you got to lizard man. it is just some dude in a const
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human -- costume. >> you could be a ufo. up next, monopoly seems like a fun and interesting board game. it is the source of a lot of family fighting. one in five people have banned because it can lead to physical fights. >> left we can, i was playing monopoly with the twins. sophia bought all of the railroads, all four of them. i think that is a garbage strategy. we kept landing on the railroads and anytime you went on one, that is 200 bucks. she starts stacking up a bunch of cash and she starts putting down all of these hotels. she bankrupts me. what do i do? i'm an adult so i flipped the board and stormed out of the room. [laughter] >> sheldon, how about you what's. >> i do not like to the play games because i'm super competitive and i love my people, my family, my friends. so it is best that i don't play.
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>> you have a problem. >> i really do. asked my family. >> i called it. >> my theory is a mark of the bad game in -- you can't play two out of three or three out of five. it is too long. when you are losing, it is kind of a life sentence. that is why you get really pissed off. i am a candyland man because i love beating the crap out of those kids. i stepped on them like rats. >> a misunderstanding. kennedy, candyland with the children. >> in his -- >> i'm assuming you play monopoly like an adult. >> i tried to play electronic monopoly. i looked aboard. >> what is your favorite property? >> park place. >> oh. >> classy girl. >> there's a game like called
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apples to apples. it is really fun. you are given five objects and there's a card that is looking at what is something that is really gross? you have a beach ball, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. teddy bears. i don't know i don't know. you have to make the case for -- >> isn't that a drinking game? >> every game is a drinking game. >> maybe that is why you flip the board of monopoly. but i had a few too many. >> with your daughter? no. >> fan mail body is next. (man) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... ... i ignored them. but when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults...
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wanna help kids get their homework done? they well, an internet to eat connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it.
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so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. >> fan mail friday. oh, this question is the killer. this is the killer. from instagram, emily, where were you when you had your first kiss? that is one of the best questions because it can go anywhere. i'm going to go to you, kennedy, because you are a good girl.
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>> i was in seventh grade and i was dating an eighth grader. we had our first kiss. there was a little heart. i was like, this is the most perfect thing in the world. and then he broke up with me a week later. >> politicians. >> exactly. >> all right, richard. >> i was in sixth grade. i was dating a seventh grader. it happen on their driveway. >> oh. >> how was it? >> it was okay. [laughter] >> right now, they are googling. >> jesse? >> jesse: insist grade, summer, i brought a girl to the squash courts. it is a creepy club. everybody made out. it is where everybody made out. i made my move. i was very excited afterwards. right in the pool. >> okay. >> shine in? >> at the altar, obviously.
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>> oh! >> yes. [laughter] >> listen it is not women in the bible kiss. >> like 300,000 copies. >> thanks to all of you at home. >> i bought 100,000 copies. sixth grade, lake tahoe cabin. spin the bottle. >> that is a lot of pressure. there's some unwilling -- [laughter] >> it was forced upon them. >> yes. all right. and then you had that seven heaven, whatever that stuff was. from bp, what is the strangest thing you have saved in your junk drawer? jesse? >> i'm not a very materialistic person. so i get rid of things. my wife also makes me get rid of
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things. i don't collect paraphernalia, memorabilia. sometimes she throws things out. >> i can imagine. [laughter] shannon, i don't know what he is talking about. >> yeah. if you look in my junk drawer, there are -- that i went have there. it is a much like just throw it away. then i would be acknowledging chocolates. >> you keep the wrappers quick. >> it makes no sense. >> sociopaths. what is in your junk drawer? expected answered the question, i had anxiety about, like, pandemics. so i keep a lot of rice in my house in case of the world ends. i have like 30 pounds of rice hidden in different places. >> that is a joke. >> do not investigate me. >> not ricin. just rice. >> kennedy, all you need is love. >> i have a switchblade.
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my brother got me a switchblade. it is illegal in new york city, so i need to keep it tucked away in april. but if you come at me at my house. not on the streets. >> i have somebody's, like, college ring. it is from a high school in philly. the finger it smells not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i didn't realize how special it would be for me to discover all of these things that i found through ancestry. i discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a nursing cadet for world war ii. you see this scanned-in, handwritten document.
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the most striking detail is her age. she was only 17. knowing that she saw this thing happening and was brave enough to get involved and do something— that was eye opening. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at . .
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you need an ecolab scientific clean here. and you need it here.
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and here. and here. which is why the scientific expertise that helps operating rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. seek a commitment to clean. look for the ecolab science certified seal. ♪welcome back to that same old place♪ ♪that you laughed about♪ ♪well, the names have all changed♪ ♪since you hung around♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: before we get to "one more thing," you just week at fox news. two brand-new shows, tomorrow 10:00 p.m. a debut up unfiltered with dan bongino. then sunday at 7:00 p.m. the
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premiere of sunday night in america with trey gowdy. and speaking of a few shows, the fall of fellow dr. fauci. in the independence fun. do amazing work and in peoria, illinois the independents with a army of ricky, top-of-the-line wheelchairs, and received a purple heart and had a traumatic brain injury and a little bit of independent fund does so go to independence to find out more, greg. >> greg: you tie that into your book. >> how to save. >> greg: "gutfeld!," you will have to call the police to clean up. let's do this.
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>> normally i'm not a species of romance. this is kind of cute, a dog, a poodle, jessie. and that auditor. i don't know why auditor, but seem to be the most loving creatures and i think we should bring them to our home and let them lay about. i don't know, is that perverted or cute? >> ? >> no, cute. don't make it perverted. [laughter] >> all right, shannon, go ahead. >> shannon: , two special people, a fantastic assistant beautiful inside and out, wonderful, and it is her birthday today. i can't even remember 23. there she is, thank you. i need you to make my life better and my parents wedding anniversary, check out this 1970s photo. and 45 years from sunday, congratulations to them, i love
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you guys and if you buy somebody a president for their anniversary, could be -- >> greg: there you go. cristhian bahena rivera >> shannon: taking lessons from jesse, well done. >> jesse: kennedy. >> kennedy: actually it is a national tone that day. kreme doughnuts, giving out free doughnuts, krispy kreme, if you are vaccinated, get a jump on your diabetes and also, listen to my podcast kennedy saves the world. i love it. you stole that from me so hard, facial discretion, jesse. >> jesse: never had a problem in that department, richard. >> richard: iconic rainbow to celebrate the lgbtq ti a, skittles is going colorless on packaging and their products with the whole month of june.
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sadly we scoured all throughout times square and couldn't find any great skittles packages so my fellow cohost have regular skittles packages but we want to give skittles a shout out. all the go to support lgbqt. ♪ ♪ will: good morning and welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning as you look live as ocean city, new jersey with the weekend bringing you into weekend. will cain, carley shimkus and lawrence jones with us this morning. our buddy pete hegseth is somewhere on a beach this morning. not in new jersey, i believe he is upgraded further south. our friend lawrence jones, carley is on day 14 of appearing on television. [laughter] carley: lawrence, man, are you


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